Thanks to the kindness of readers, my year ends on a rich and rewarding note. This is my 45th blog post since I stumbled into this bizarre post-retirement avocation in late August. As those who’ve been with me from the start know, my use of the word “stumbled” is not figurative. I fell, broke two ribs and, presto: there I was, memorizing WordPress code. Okay, the chain reaction wasn’t quite that immediate. I saw a doctor first. Then, to take my mind off the pain, I turned to Facebook with frequent pontifications, some of them undoubtedly enhanced by prescription drugs. They were all too long and ponderous in a medium built for brevity. Friends suggested that a blog might be a better venue.

And here I am, ending the year with my 45th post, just as the nation prepares to open a new year that will usher in its 45th president. The only difference between the two 45ths is that mine does not involve nuclear weapons. Still, in the interest of numerology, I am more than ready and eager to swiftly move on to Post Number 46.

You can count on that happening well in advance of President 45’s inauguration. Meanwhile, I am taking a bit of a break. I realize that the notion of a retiree going on vacation is an adventure in redundancy. The person who really needs the rest and relaxation is Melissa, my copy editor and wife. She spent another grueling year trying to improve the lot of news industry workers as their union’s ( The NewsGuild) collective bargaining director. As if that were not enough of a challenge, she also nursed me through another medical odyssey and fly specked my prose in this space. So, as the Trumpian crowd filters into town in advance of the inaugural festivities, we thought it would be the perfect time to escape to St. Augustine, Florida for a couple of weeks. Melissa deserves the break. I’m just along for the ride.

That means, absent a sudden rush of profundity that just can’t be held back, this space will be dark until sometime after January 13. With the addition of wishing all of you a very Happy New Year, that closes out my 45th blog post. If only the 45th presidency could be just as short and sweet!